Flock of Geese Save Boy From Drowning

Flock of Geese Save Boy From Drowning

It was a cool, autumn day and the geese were migrating south for the winter. One of the geese, however, had something else on his mind. He had seen a little boy wander away from his parents at the edge of the lake and he knew that if he didn't do something, the boy would drown.

The goose flew over to the boy and started swimming towards him. The boy was terrified and started to scream, but the goose kept swimming until he got close enough to grab the boy's arm. He then started swimming back to shore with the boy in tow.

The boy's parents were so grateful that their son was safe that they adopted the goose as their pet. And ever since then, whenever there's a crisis, people say, "Send in the geese."

Flock of Ducks Quack Up a Storm on Social Media

It's Migration Madness on social media as a flock of ducks startled people with their loud quacking. The unusual outburst happened yesterday on Twitter, Facebook and other social media platforms.

Ducks are usually a calming presence on the water, but this group was anything but. They seemed to be having a good old time quacking up a storm and sending people into a tizzy.

Twitter user @alisonfrost said, "I swear there was just a whole flock of ducks that flew over and started quacking super loudly and it scared the living daylights out of me."

Commenters had a field day with the duck sighting. Some compared the noise to thunder while others said it sounded like aliens were invading. One person even said it was the end of days.

Of course, there were also plenty of jokes about the quacking ducks. @marykatefitz tweeted, "The duck apocalypse is upon us!" And @jen_labonte added, "I thought I heard someone shout 'duck' but then I realized it was just ducks quacking…"

While the quacking ducks may not have been welcomed by all, they provided some much-needed comic relief during these trying times. So let's all give a big thanks to those noisy water fowl for making us smile!

Surprising Flock of Birds Found in Alabama Woods

For a long time, the people of Alabama have been on the lookout for a flock of large black birds that have been spotted in the woods near their homes. The birds are said to be around the size of crows, but their plumage is completely black except for some white feathers around their necks. Locals were first alerted to the presence of these unusual birds when someone posted a picture of them on social media.

Many people have speculated as to what these birds could be, with some believing they may be crows or ravens while others think they might be something else entirely. The majority of people seem to think that they are black vultures, although this has not been confirmed. Officials from the Alabama Department of Conservation say that they are aware of the birds and are currently trying to identify them.

So far, there have been no reports of anyone getting too close to the flock and no one knows what kind of behavior these birds might exhibit if confronted. Some locals have reportedly been scared away from their own homes by the sight of them flying overhead. This unexpected development has left many Alabamans feeling curious and perplexed alike.

How to Attract a Flock of Birds to Your Yard

If you're looking to attract a flock of birds to your yard, there are a few things you can do to make your property more bird-friendly. Here are some tips:

  1. Install a bird feeder.

A good way to attract birds to your yard is to provide them with food. You can do this by installing a bird feeder. There are many different types of bird feeders available, so be sure to find one that will work well for your yard.

  1. Plant native plants.

Another way to make your yard more bird-friendly is by planting native plants. Native plants provide birds with food and shelter, and they often require less care than non-native plants.

  1. Provide water for birds.

Birds also need water in order to survive, so be sure to provide them with a source of water in your yard. This can be done by installing a bird bath or by using a garden hose to create a makeshift creek or pond.

  1. Keep your yard clean.

Birds need a clean environment in order to thrive, so be sure to keep your yard free of debris and clutter. This will make it easier for them to find food and shelter.

A Flock of Turkeys Land in Central Park

A band of wild turkeys has been making quite a stir in Central Park. The large, brown birds with striking red wattles have been spotted strutting around the popular tourist spot and even roosting in trees in the park.

The wild turkeys are believed to have migrated to Manhattan from upstate New York, where the birds are more common. The sudden influx of turkeys in Central Park has caused both excitement and confusion among residents and tourists.

While some people are thrilled to see the exotic animals up close, others are worried that the turkeys may be dangerous. One woman reportedly had a run-in with a turkey that scratched her arm.

Officials from the Department of Parks and Recreation say that they are keeping an eye on the turkeys but don't plan to take any action until there is evidence that they are doing harm. In the meantime, New Yorkers can enjoy viewing these unusual creatures in their natural habitat.


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